sabato 3 novembre 2007

'Fence driving Christians out of Holy Land'

MATTHEW WAGNER , Jerusalem Post, 31.10.07. Socioeconomic hardships caused by the West Bank security barrier are contributing to the decline in the Christian population in the Holy Land, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams, said in an interview with The Jerusalem Post on Wednesday. "I recently met with Christians in Bethlehem, people by no means extreme, and they told of the daily burdens driving in and out of the city that were created by the wall". Williams said he was aware of "claims" that the project had reduced the number of victims of Palestinian terrorism, but felt that in the long-term, building a barrier between two populations was "causing deeper problems" for the future of Israeli-Palestinian relations.

"The fence does not solve the basic underlying causes of the conflict. That's why I am unhappy with it," Williams said.

It was not just the present route of the barrier that he opposed. Rather, barriers between populations were inherently problematic, he said.
This is not the first time that Williams, the spiritual head of the 77-million member Anglican Communion, has voiced criticism of the security barrier or of Israeli policy regarding Palestinians.

Israele non fischia l'inizio Stop alle calciatrici di Gaza

l'Unità, 2.11.07. Dovevano arrivare a Roma venerdì, le ragazze della squadra di calcio dell’Università Al Aqsa di Gaza invitata a partecipare alla manifestazione Sport sotto assedio. Ma da due giorni, le calciatrici sono bloccate al valico di Erez: Israele non concede il permesso di uscire dal paese.

Una piccola storia che racconta perfettamente le condizioni di vita nella Striscia di Gaza, dove, tra l’altro, da cinque giorni il governo israeliano ha tagliato l’elettricità. Le ragazze dovrebbero prendere parte alla carovana che dal 3 al 28 novembre toccherà numerose città italiane, tra cui Bergamo, Milano, Brescia, Pisa, Reggio Calabria e Roma. Sport sotto l’assedio è una manifestazione giunta ormai alla sua quarta edizione che si propone di sostenere l’attività sportiva in Palestina e soprattutto di raccontare in Italia le condizioni del popolo palestinese, proprio a partire dalle storie delle sportive che hanno affrontato scelte di vita coraggiose.

È andata meglio alle colleghe della squadra di basket, l’IBDAA Cultural Center del campo profughi di Deheishe, vicino Betlemme, che invece sono già riuscite a raggiungere la Giordania e sono in volo per l’Italia. Le ragazze incontreranno i rappresentanti ministeriali e delle istituzioni locali, gli studenti e le studentesse delle scuole superiori e delle università e si confronteranno in incontri sportivi con squadre italiane.

Sembra incomprensibile il divieto di oltrepassare la frontiera imposto da Israele: le ragazze di Gaza hanno tutti i documenti in regola, oltre all’invito ufficiale del Ministero degli Affari Esteri italiano. Restano ventiquattrore di tempo per dare il loro contributo ai «percorsi di educazione allo sport come strumento di dialogo e di convivenza».

Intanto, si è giocata a Roma, in piazza del Campidoglio una partita simbolica per protestare contro le autorità israeliane. E per chiedere al sindaco Veltroni di «concedere alle atlete la cittadinanza onoraria perché loro sono le vere ambasciatrici di pace e libertà».

The world is silent i know we all feel that in Gaza

Mona ElFarra, From Gaza, with Love, 31.10.07. During Ramadan month (fasting month of moslems of Palestine )i was very busy coordinating relief fund , i managed as head of local committee ,to distribute money vouchers for 1000 families ,in diffrent prts of Gaza strip , i have wonderful collegues who help me to reach those families ,a sa team i think we have succeeded , to reach the most poor and needy , in less than a week all the work was done , but the people needs are larger than our capacity , so our work coplement other orgs and groups who works in this field .
it is realy sad to tell you that poverty level has increased in Gaza to unprecented levels ,with the embargo and economical seige , food staples prices has increased , this is the talk of people at the moment ,beside that Israel announced its implementation of the more strict seige and cutt off basic supplies and fuel , medications and medical supplies are big problem, many essential medications are lacking in the pharmacies , detergents too , patients who need to be refered for treatment abroad are denied permit to leave the country ,
according to international law we are occupied by Israel , and this put responsibility on Israel to Guarantee the supplies for the civilians of Gaza , but what Israel is doing is COLLECTIVE PUNISHMENT which again is big crime according to international law .THE WORLD IS SILENT I KNOW WE ALL FEEL THAT IN GAZA, we try to survive to help eachothe rto continue living and not to collapse the burden is big the responsibility of us , who work in huminatarian field is large , we should not give up ,we canot afford to give up .
a national committee to break the siege has been formulated in Gaza , iam member of that comittee , it includes many civil society organisations and some aactive public figures, we r working hard to let the world hear our vioces , with the help of great ntworking of groups and organisations world wide , people who believe in our rights and who work in serious way to tell the whole world ,that what is happening in Palestine at the moment , has gone too far in human rights violation

i told u about the seige and the ebargo and economical sanctions ,but i need to remind u all that Israeli military operations are continous

i love u all
and again thanks for encourging me to write , it makes me feel that iam human , it makes me feel iam alive and in real contact with the real world

fromgaza with love
Mona ElFarra

Obiettivo: scacciarli dalla loro terra - per sempre!

Nandino Capovilla, per il gruppo di Tutti a Raccolta 2007, Pax Christi Italia. Bocche Scucite n. 43. 1.11.07. In questi giorni, dall'Italia, ci hanno chiesto testimonianze e foto della tragica giornata di Bil'in. Effettivamente in questo ultimo report dalla Palestina potremmo riportarvi i commenti durissimi del rappresentante del nostro consolato sull'uso criminale delle cosidette "pallottole di gomma", eufemismo che nasconde gli effetti devastanti di queste armi illegali di acciaio, solo rivestite di gomma, sparate su di noi, gente inerme che manifestava in modo nonviolento venerdi 26 ottobre. Potremmo dilungarci sulle analisi mediche del dottore che nell'ospedale di Ramallah ha soccorso Andrea e che ci ha illustrato documenti fotografici e cartelle cliniche sulle terribili conseguenze sul corpo umano di queste armi proibite.

Potremmo raccontarvi ancora di incontri fatti e testimonianze raccolte oltre all'ultimo report da Nablus, dai coraggiosi Rabbini per i Diritti Umani agli israeliani dell'ICHAD che ricostruiscono le case dei palestinesi illegalmente demolite dal governo israeliano.

Potremmo farvi partecipi dello sgomento nostro, del dolore di Andrea, delle ore tragiche e difficili che abbiamo condiviso insieme. Perché quello che è accaduto è inaudito, ti lascia attonito. Ti fa paura, ti fa sentire impotente e così fragile.

Ma quello che è accaduto ad Andrea succede ogni giorno in terra di Palestina. Senza motivo, senza logica. Migliaia e migliaia di feriti in questi anni hanno gridato come noi, come Andrea: "perché?". A loro, raramente è giunta solidarietà dal mondo di fuori.

E allora, anche oggi, preferiamo ancora una volta usare la nostra voce per 'scucire la bocca' al popolo palestinese, oppresso e umiliato dall'occupazione militare. Vogliamo liberare il grido disperato degli abitanti del piccolo villaggio di QUSSA, a sud-est di Hebron, lungo il muro in costruzione. L'OCHA, Ufficio delle Nazioni Unite per il coordinamento degli affari umanitari, ci chiede di far conoscere l'ennesimo sopruso attuato in questi ultimi giorni dall'esercito: le ruspe hanno raggiunto il villaggio e hanno raso al suolo le poverissime abitazioni delle sue 25 famiglie. I funzionari delle Nazioni Unite hanno assistito impotenti a quest'ultima aggressione tesa a spostare definitivamente il villaggio. L'IDF è arrivato con alcune guardie private e i mezzi militari "sono penetrati nella foresta vicina per cercare le pecore degli abitanti. Essendo il periodo delle nascite degli agnelli, e' stato scioccante -riporta Cristina Graziani che ha tradotto e diffuso l'appello- vedere come le jeep inseguivano gli animali, sapendo che ciò causerà aborti e, da ultimo, un disastro finanziario". Rappresentanti dell'ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross) e dell'OCHA non sono riusciti nemmeno a convincere l'autorità israeliana a concedere agli abitanti un po' di tempo per prendere le loro cose (il mangime per gli animali, le cisterne dell'acqua, i rimorchi, ecc).

È per questo che, mentre lasciamo la Palestina, chiediamo anche a voi, che ci avete espresso tanta solidarietà tra gli ulivi insanguinati di Bil'in, di non lasciare soli questi nostri fratelli e sorelle che, a Qussa come in tutti i Territori Occupati, continuano ad essere derubati delle loro terra e del loro futuro. Che non solo sono lasciati soli a curarsi le ferite inflitte dall'occupante, ma che incessantemente vengono costretti dallo stesso a lasciare le loro case, i loro campi, il loro lavoro, i loro affetti.

Nandino Capovilla, per il gruppo di Tutti a Raccolta 2007, Pax Christi Italia.

Nablus, la testa del serpente

BoccheScucite quindicinale Voci dalla Palestina Occupata Pax Christi n. 43 - 1.11.07. Siamo a Nablus e non serve una lunga esperienza nei territori occupati per capire che l`aria di qui e` pesante. Cerchiamo negli occhi della gente i sorrisi di Ramallah, Betlemme e Aboud, trovando soprattutto severita` e rabbia, riflesso di questa citta` assediata e stretta nella morsa militare israeliana, che vorrebbe cosi` schiacciare la Testa del Serpente. E` in questo modo che i giornali di Tel Aviv definiscono Nablus, ex capitale economica della Cisgiordania, importante centro culturale, divenuta gioco forza la culla della resistenza palestinese. Dopo due notti nella Testa del Serpente, ci convinciamo che il veleno e` frutto dell`occupazione, che stritola migliaia di esistenze, corrodendo l`economia, ostacolando gli spostamenti e alimentando la tensione nelle strade. Altrettanto disarmante l`ottimismo di alcuni, se non molti, convinti che la Palestina ce la fara`: "basta non lasciare le nostre terre e continuare a vivere ogni giorno senza fuggire. Questa e` la nostra resistenza!". Parola di Majdi.
Scendiamo dal taxi che si e` gia` fatto buio, pochi passi nel suq e saliamo sull`ambulanza del Medical Relief, guidata da Firas, giungendo in pochi minuti in prossimita` del nostro alloggio, al decimo piano di una grigia palazzina arrocata lungo i fianchi della collina, a debita distanza dai vicoli del centro e dai tre campi profughi: Balata, Askar e Alian. Qui i militari israeliani giungono quasi ogni notte con i loro mezzi corazzati, per arrestare o uccidere dei combattenti palestinesi, o presunti tali.
Dopo cena usciamo sul terrazzo e la nostra attenzione scende subito a valle, tra gli edifici fatiscenti del centro, illuminati dalla luce giallognola delle strade, dove regna una calma apparente. E` in questi istanti che Nablus ritrova la propria vita, l`energia che le ha permesso di resistere a centinaia di attacchi avvenuti negli ultimi 6 anni. A partire dal 2002, con la massiccia invasione dell`esercito israeliano, giunto con decine di carri armati, i Markava tank, affiancati dai buldozzer necessari per squarciare gli stretti vicoli della citta` vecchia, demolendo interi edifici con famiglie all`interno, molte delle quali scomparse tra le macerie. Poi i soldati e i cecchini con i fucili di precisione, asserragliati nei palazzi piu` alti, per vigilare sul coprifuoco totale di quei giorni, e "sparare su ogni cosa in movimento", come ci racconta Firas. Oggi come allora, Firas e` un volontario del Medical Relief che guida l`ambulanza tra gli spari e le esplosioni per prestare soccorso ai feriti o raccogliere i cadaveri, spesso dopo delicate trattative con i militari tutt'altro che disposti a consentire il passaggio. Ci racconta come qualche settimana fa, durante una breve occupazione militare nel campo di Balata (25 mila persone in 1 chilometro quadrato), una donna sia stata colpita da un cecchino mentre si affacciava alla finestra. Il proiettile le ha attraversato il torace, passando a pochi centimetri dal cuore. Dopo il ricovero in ospedale, i militari hanno riconosciuto il loro sbaglio concedendo fosse trasferita in una clinica di Tel Aviv dove e` tuttora sotto osservazione, in condizioni critiche, a spese dei familiari. Impressionante ascoltare la descrizione delle tecniche di incursione dei soldati, i quali, per raggiungere il centro del campo sono soliti aprire dei fori nei muri con il martello o usando cariche esplosive, infilandosi poi nelle case per uscirne dall`altra parte, giungendo ad un nuovo muro da forare.. e cosi` via, sfasciando anche 30 abitazioni in una sola incursione. Tattica usata per sottrarsi alle sassaiole dei giovani, abituati a difendersi in questo modo dalle aggressioni, spesso a costo della vita. E` quasi un paradosso, uno dei piu` potenti eserciti della terra, munito di armi sofisticate e mezzi corazzati, messo in crisi da bande di ragazzi senza un futuro, armati di sassi e fionde.
"Negli ultimi 6 anni sono morte 975 persone a Nablus - spiega il Dottor Ghassan del Medical Relief, incontrato in mattinata -, oltre a 7000 feriti, 1000 dei quali hanno riportato disabilita` permanenti, anche molto gravi". Ascoltiamo con attenzione le sue parole e non possiamo che essere sdegnati, scoprendo come la crescente pressione militare in Nablus, sia stata accompagnata dall`uso di nuove armi, una sorta di bombe di precisione che lasciano ferite terribili, a causa di "particolari schegge mai viste prima, di un materiale quasi polveroso, in grado di spappolare gli organi interni e non rintracciabile ai raggi x".
Lasciata la clinica del centro entriamo a Balata, il piu` grande campo profughi della Cisgiordania settentrionale, dove centinaia di famiglie si ammassano in palazzi fatiscenti, distrutti e ricostruiti piu` volte, in seguito alle incursioni israeliane. Dopo una breve visita al centro giovanile, ci inoltriamo nel cuore del campo, percorrendo stretti viottoli che in alcuni casi non superano i 50 centimetri. Qui troviamo un groviglio di tubi, rifiuti e calcinacci, l`aria e` spesso irrespirabile per la costante mancanza di aerazione e sole, causa di svariate patologie che colpiscono soprattutto chi vive al pian terreno, nella semioscurita`.
Dopo due notti nella Testa del Serpente, ci convinciamo che il veleno e` frutto dell`occupazione, che stritola migliaia di esistenze, corrodendo l`economia, ostacolando gli spostamenti e alimentando la tensione nelle strade. Altrettanto disarmante l`ottimismo di alcuni, se non molti, convinti che la Palestina ce la fara`: "basta non lasciare le nostre terre e continuare a vivere ogni giorno senza fuggire. Questa e` la nostra resistenza!". Parola di Majdi.

giovedì 1 novembre 2007

Palestine blame Israel, want to re-schedule Singapore match

the star Malaysia. 31.10.07. GAZA CITY: The Palestine football federation urged FIFA on Monday to re-schedule their qualifier with Singapore for the 2010 World Cup explaining their no-show on the pitch because Israel denied them travel permits.

The match was scheduled for Singapore on Sunday, but the Palestinian team failed to show, provoking Singapore coach Raddy Avramovic into slamming his opponents as unprofessional and for FIFA to award the match to Singapore. “We are asking FIFA to re-timetable the match and help us get Israeli permits,” said Jamal Zaqut, an official from the Palestinian federation. The Palestinian team, he said, were due to arrive in Singapore on Oct 23 but were not given the necessary Israeli permits to leave the Gaza Strip.

Recommendations to the International Community

1. PCHR calls upon the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to fulfill their legal and moral obligations under Article 1 of the Convention to ensure Israel's respect for the Convention in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. PCHR believes that the conspiracy of silence practiced by the international community has encouraged Israel to act as if it is above the law and encourages Israel continue to violate international human rights and humanitarian law.

2. PCHR calls upon the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to convene a conference to take effective steps to ensure Israel's respect of the Convention in the OPT and to provide immediate protection for Palestinian civilians.

3. PCHR calls upon the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to comply with its legal obligations detailed in Article 146 of the Convention to search for and prosecute those responsible for grave breaches, namely war crimes.

4. PCHR calls for the immediately implementation of the Advisory Opinion issued by the International Court of Justice, which considers the construction of the Annexation Wall inside the West Bank illegal.

5. PCHR recommends international civil society organizations, including human rights organizations, bar associations and NGOs to participate in the process of exposing those accused of grave breaches of international law and to urge their governments to bring these people to justice.

6. PCHR calls upon the European Union to activate Article 2 of the Euro-Israel Association Agreement, which provides that Israel must respect human rights as a precondition for economic cooperation between the EU states and Israel. PCHR further calls upon the EU states to prohibit import of goods produced in illegal Israeli settlements in the OPT.

7. PCHR calls on the international community to recognize the Gaza disengagement plan, which was implemented last year, for what it is - not an end to occupation but a compounding of the occupation and the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip.

8. In recognition of ICRC as the guardian of the Fourth Geneva Convention, PCHR calls upon the ICRC to increase its staff and activities in the OPT, including the facilitation of family visitations to Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.

9. PCHR appreciates the efforts of international civil society, including human rights organizations, bar associations, unions and NGOs, and urges them to continue their role in pressuring their governments to secure Israel's respect for human rights in the OPT and to end its attacks on Palestinian civilians.

10. PCHR calls upon the international community to pressure Israel to lift the severe restrictions imposed by the Israeli government and its occupation forces on access for international organizations to the OPT.

11. PCHR reiterates that any political settlement not based on international human rights law and humanitarian law cannot lead to a peaceful and just solution of the Palestinian question. Rather, such an arrangement can only lead to further suffering and instability in the region. Any peace agreement or process must be based on respect for international law, including international human rights and humanitarian law.


Public Document

For further information please visit our website ( or contact PCHR’s office in Gaza City, Gaza Strip by email ( or telephone (+972 (0)8 2824776 – 2825893).

IOF Systematic Attacks on Palestinian Civilians and Property in the OPT. More Measures of Collective Punishment against the Gaza Strip

Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory 23-31.10.07

· 15 Palestinians were killed by IOF in the Gaza Strip.

· The victims include a disabled civilian and 4 policemen.

· A Palestinian from Nablus died from a previous wound.

· 29 Palestinians, including 9 children, 2 women, an old man, a journalist and human rights defender, were wounded by IOF.

· IOF conducted 37 incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank and 12 ones into the Gaza Strip.

· IOF arrested 78 Palestinian civilians, including 6 children and 2 women, in the West Bank and one in the Gaza Strip.

· IOF razed at least 32 donums[1] of agricultural land in the Gaza Strip.

· IOF destroyed a complete community near Hebron and forced Palestinian civilians to move to the east of the Wall.

· IOF have continued to impose a total siege on the OPT.

· IOF have isolated the Gaza Strip from the outside world and a humanitarian crisis has emerged.

· IOF have continued to construct the Annexation Wall inside the West Bank.

· IOF have continued settlement activities in the West Bank and Israeli settlers have continued to attacks Palestinian civilians and property.


Israeli violations of international law and humanitarian law continued in the OPT during the reporting period (25 – 31 October 2007):

Shooting: During the reporting period, IOF killed 15 Palestinians, including a disabled civilian, in the Gaza Strip, and a 16th Palestinian from Nablus died from a previous wound. IOF also wounded 29 others, including 9 children, 2 woman, an old man, a journalists and human rights defender, in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

In the Gaza Strip, IOF killed 15 Palestinians, including a disabled civilian and 4 policemen, and wounded 29 others, including 5 children and 2 women and an old man. In the West Bank a Palestinian died on 30 October 2007 from a previous wound he had sustained on 16 October 2007. Six civilians, including 4 children, were also wounded by IOF. Three of these civilians (a Palestinian child, an Italian journalist and an Italian human rights activist) were wounded when IOF used force to disperse a peaceful demonstration organized by Palestinian civilians and international and Israeli human rights defenders in protest to the construction of the Wall in Bal’ein village, west of Ramallah.

Incursions: During the reporting period, IOF conducted at least 37 military incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank. During those incursions, IOF arrested 78 Palestinian civilians, including 6 children and 2 women. Thus, the number of Palestinians arrested by IOF in the West Bank since the beginning of this year has mounted to 2,261.

In the Gaza Strip, IOF conducted 12 incursions into Palestinian communities. During those incursions, IOF troops killed a number of Palestinians, transformed a number of houses into military sites, arrested one Palestinian civilian and razed 32 donums of agricultural land.

Restrictions on Movement: IOF have continued to impose a tightened siege on the OPT and imposed severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem.

Gaza Strip

IOF have continued to close all border crossings of the Gaza Strip for nearly 16 months. The total siege imposed by IOF on the Gaza Strip has left disastrous impacts on the humanitarian situation and has violated the economic and social rights of the Palestinian civilian population, particularly the rights to appropriate living conditions, health and education. It has also paralyzed most economic sectors. Furthermore, severe restrictions have been imposed on the movement of the Palestinian civilian population. Moreover, the siege imposed on the Gaza Strip has severely impacted the flow of food, medical supplies and other necessities such as fuel, construction materials and raw materials for various economic sectors. IOF have further tightened the siege imposed on the Gaza Strip since Hamas’ takeover of the Gaza Strip, and the living and economic conditions of Palestinian civilians have further deteriorated. During the reporting period, the Israeli government declared the Gaza Strip as “an enemy entity,” which implies imposing more restrictions and measures of collective punishment against the Palestinian civilian population. On 19 September 2007, the Israeli government declared the Gaza Strip as “an enemy entity” and accordingly measures of collective punishment against Gaza escalated. Since that time, IOF have limited the goods exported to the Gaza Strip to only 9 basic materials. As a consequence, local markets ran out of many goods, which caused a sharp increase in prices, which mounted to 500% for some goods. Israeli occupation forces have banned the flow of some medicines, furniture, electrical appliances, cows and cigarettes into the Gaza Strip, and have decreased the amounts of some goods allowed into the Gaza Strip, such as fruits, milk and some dairy products. IOF have also continued to impose severe restrictions on fishing in the Gaza Strip.

West Bank

IOF have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians to and from Jerusalem. Thousands of Palestinian civilians from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip have been denied access to the city. IOF have established many checkpoints around and inside the city. Restrictions of the movement of Palestinian civilians often escalate on Fridays to prevent them from praying at the al-Aqsa Mosque. IOF often violently beat Palestinian civilians who attempt to bypass checkpoints and enter the city. IOF have also tightened the siege imposed on Palestinian communities in the West Bank. They have isolated Jerusalem from the rest of the West Bank. IOF positioned at various checkpoints in the West Bank have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians. IOF also erected more checkpoints on the main roads and intersections in the West Bank.

Annexation Wall: IOF have continued to construct the Annexation Wall inside the West Bank. on Tuesday, 30 October 2007, IOF, accompanied by bulldozers, moved into Kherbet Qussa area, northwest of Hebron, which is isolated behind the Wall. They opened fire into the air. They then demolished 15 houses, 12 caves and 27 barnyards. At least 250 Palestinian civilians have become homeless, and IOF forced them to leave the area.

Settlement Activities: Israeli settlers living in the OPT in violation of international humanitarian law have continued to attack Palestinian civilians and property. On Friday, 26 October 2007, IOF informed 7 Palestinian civilians in Hares village, west of Salfit, that their houses, in which at least 30 individuals live, would be demolished, claming that they were built without licenses. On the same day, 5 Israeli settlers from “Ramat Yishai” settlement in Tal Rumaida neighborhood in the center of Hebron attacked a nearby house belonging to Mohammed Hamed Abu ‘Eisha with stones and empty bottles.

[1] 1 donum is equal to 1000 square meters.

Israeli Violations Documented during the Reporting Period (25 – 31 October 2007)

Les sanctions d'Israël aggravent le chaos à Gaza

PATRICK SAINT-PAUL envoyé spécial à Gaza, Le Figaro, 31.10.07. Pour les Gaziotes, faire les courses est devenu un cauchemar. « À Gaza, presque tout est importé d'Israël : le sucre, les médicaments, les couches-culottes, la farine... Mais depuis dimanche je ne reçois plus rien. J'ai entamé mon stock. Au rythme actuel, je n'aurai plus rien dans une semaine », se lamente Manzer Khela, patron d'une supérette. Les prix du lait, de l'huile et de la farine ont augmenté de 15 %. Le prix de la Vache qui rit a doublé. « Avant, nous avions le droit d'importer une douzaine de catégories de produits à Gaza, explique Manzer Khela. Depuis les dernières sanctions, ça s'est réduit à quatre catégories : lait, huile, farine, sucre. C'est comme en Somalie. » « Soixante-dix mille personnes ont déjà perdu leur emploi à Gaza depuis cet été, s'indigne Amar Yazji. Le chômage culmine à plus de 70 %. » Selon la chambre de commerce, 95 % des quelque 5 000 usines de la bande de Gaza ont cessé leur activité en raison des restrictions. Faute de pouvoir importer des matériaux, le secteur de la construction, premier pourvoyeur d'emplois, est sinistré. Tout comme l'agriculture, seconde source d'emplois, qui s'est effondrée faute de pouvoir exporter. La communauté internationale sera contrainte d'augmenter l'assistance humanitaire pour compenser les effets dévastateurs des sanctions. « Nous ne demandons qu'à travailler, mais on a fait de nous une société d'assistés », déplore Amar Yazji. Il est peu probable que ces nouvelles sanctions affecteront directement le Hamas. Les Gaziotes se disent totalement démunis face aux groupes armés, qui tirent des roquettes sur Israël. La misère provoquée par les restrictions ne fait qu'accroître le ressentiment envers Israël et l'Autorité palestinienne du président modéré Mahmoud Abbas, accusé au mieux d'indifférence, au pire de complicité. « Cette politique d'étranglement n'a qu'un seul résultat, prévient Mohsen el-Khozondar. Elle vide nos entreprises et remplit les usines à terroristes. »

IOF troops detain two Palestinian mothers to pressure their sons

QALQILIA, (PIC), 30.10.07. IOF troops detained two Palestinian mothers at dawn Tuesday in the West Bank city of Qalqilia to pressure their sons and rounded up two other young men in the city. In Arka village IOF soldiers besieged the 4,000 inhabitants' village for several hours and kidnapped ten of its youths, all in their twenties, before retreating, later in the morning. The occupation forces on Monday arrested five other citizens in Seelat Al-Harthia village, also in the Jenin district. In Nablus district, inhabitants of Deir Al-Hatab village were shocked to witness all their olive trees dying after settlers in nearby settlement of Alon Moreh, east of Nablus city, drowned the village's cultivated lands with sewage water.The villagers said they were not allowed by IOF soldiers to cultivate their olive trees for six years and when they were allowed this year they were shocked to find the sewage waters flooding their fields and destroying the olive trees.

The Nafha society defending human and prisoners' rights condemned the IOF arrest of Firdous Al-Samman, the mother of a wanted Palestinian activist, and Kawther Abu Dhiab, the mother of two young men held in Israeli occupation jails for more than six months.

'360 bambini palestinesi prigionieri in Israele'.

Infopal, 30.10.07. "360 bambini palestinesi rimangono illegalmente detenuti nelle prigioni di Israele": è la denuncia lanciata dalla Associazione Wa'ed per i Prigionieri politici e gli ex-prigionieri.

La Società ha accusato l'esercito israeliano di eseguire "pratiche illegali contro il popolo palestinese e i minori" e ha aggiunto che i bambini palestinesi costituiscono un bersaglio continuo delle violenze israeliane.

Dal settembre 2000, l'esercito israeliano ha sequestrato oltre 7000 cittadini, tra cui bambini che ancora si trovano in prigione, in condizioni disumane, aggrediti, assaltati ripetutamente.

Ai minori sono impedite le visite dei legali, non viene fornito loro cibo sufficiente e decente, e sono imprigionati in celle con adulti israeliani detenuti per crimini. I ragazzini sono vittime di violenze di ogni genere, anche sessuali.

La Società ha lanciato un appello alle organizzazioni umanitarie e per i diritti umani affinché intervengano per porre fine alle pratiche illegali, disumane e contrarie al diritto internazionale attuate contro i prigionieri palestinesi, in particolare, i bambini.


Jamaeen Non-Violent Demonstration to Protest Settler Arson

30.10.07. Last week, settlers from Kfah Tappuah settlement near the West Bank village of Jamaeen trespassed on the Palestinian villagers’ land 2km from Jamaeen village, burning approximately 30 dunums of vital agricultural land hosting olive trees. The village of Jamaeen lies just south of Nablus and, like the many other villages in the Nablus and Salfit region, depends on olive production. Thus, the loss of trees was a substantial blow to the local villagers.

En séjour illégal, même chez eux

Gideon Levy, Haaretz, 26.10.07. L’électricité et l’eau, ils se les font venir par des lignes improvisées qui passent par l’ouverture de drainage aménagée sous le Mur de séparation construit ici il y a un an et demi environ et qui porte le nom impeccablement lessivé d’ « enveloppe de Jérusalem ». Mais ce Mur n’enveloppe personne ici, il étrangle seulement. Lorsque quelqu'un veut se laver ou préparer une tasse de thé, il téléphone à des proches qui vivent à Bir-Naballa, de l’autre côté du Mur, et leur demande de leur ouvrir le robinet. Quand le Mur a été achevé, un étroit passage leur y a été laissé, afin qu’ils puissent continuer à subsister d’une manière ou d’une autre. Le garde-frontière de faction à cette entrée permettait à leurs enfants d’aller à l’école à Bir-Naballa, et eux-mêmes transportaient à dos d’âne les produits de première nécessité. Une fois, un des membres de la famille, Houssam, a été frappé alors qu’il essayait de faire passer par cette porte un sac d’aliment pour les bêtes. Il y a un mois et demi, même ce riche filon s’est arrêté. Le 12 septembre, sans la moindre notification préalable, l’Administration civile a envoyé une bétonnière qui est arrivée et a déversé son contenu dans l’étroit passage. La dernière porte leur a été fermée et scellée. Les voilà devenus des résidents en séjour illégal, dans leurs maisons.
Shlomo Laker, l’avocat, explique qu’il y a encore des milliers d’habitants qui vivent en bordure de la capitale unifiée et qui se trouvent dans des situations semblables. Lui-même en représente un millier d’entre eux dont la vie a été détruite à cause du Mur. Les fêtes terminées, on pensait que le problème serait résolu. Israël n’arrête pas de déclarer que le « cadre de vie » des Palestiniens ne sera pas affecté par le Mur de séparation. Les paroles d’un côté, les actes de l’autre. Les fêtes se sont achevées mais pas les tourments. Le 18 septembre, les enfants sont restés coincés de l’autre côté du Mur, sans aucune possibilité de rentrer à la maison. Le lendemain, Mahmoud a emmené le groupe des élèves à l’école en passant par le barrage de Kalandiya. Entrer dans les Territoires, cela ils peuvent le faire, mais revenir : seulement avec un permis d’entrer en Israël, permis qu’ils n’ont pas. Chaque jour, Mahmoud et les enfants contactent « B’Tselem » ainsi que le « Centre humanitaire » de l’Administration civile, afin d’obtenir une autorisation de revenir des Territoires en Israël [sic], chez eux. Cela prend du temps. Un jour, l’autorisation n’est arrivée que le soir déjà tombé, et avec lui l’heure du repas de rupture du jeûne ; alors ils ont décidé de rester sur le lopin devant une des maisons. Sous la voûte du ciel, ils ont planté une tente où ils ont passé l’après-midi et la nuit, avec leurs parents de l’autre côté. La vue qui s’est révélée aux yeux de l’enquêteur de « B’Tselem », Karim Joubran, en arrivant là, l’a ébahi. Chaque enfant s’était pelotonné dans un coin et préparait ses devoirs, par terre. « Chez moi, si ma femme ne pousse pas les enfants à faire leurs devoirs, il n’y a aucune chance qu’ils soient faits. Ici, sans parents, chacun dans son coin, plongé dans ses leçons », a-t-il dit. Ils ont passé la nuit là. La procédure se répète. Les enfants partent à six heures du matin pour arriver à temps à l’école. Sur le chemin du retour, ils téléphonent à « B’Tselem » et après une heure ou deux d’attente, ils traversent le barrage. Personne n’est prêt à leur donner un permis de passage permanent, l’affaire est en instance, ce qui constitue aussi pour le porte-parole de l’Administration civile, le capitaine Tzadki Maman, un excellent prétexte pour répondre à Antigone Ashker, de « B’Tselem », qui s’était adressée à lui dans une lettre urgente : « L’affaire se retrouve au tribunal, à la faveur d’une requête qui a été introduite à ce propos. Il ne nous est dès lors pas possible de répondre, en ce moment », a écrit le porte-parole. D’ici que « ce moment » soit passé, l’hiver viendra, les journées se feront plus courtes et la pluie tombera. Qu’en sera-t-il des enfants ?

(Traduction de l'hébreu : Michel Ghys)

Source traduction : Palestine Solidarité

Aid Request Emphasizes U.S. Support of Palestinian Authority

Glen Kessler, Washington Post, 31.10.07. President Bush has proposed a sixfold increase in aid to the Palestinians, including $150 million in direct cash transfers to the Palestinian Authority, in an effort to bolster the government in advance of a Middle East peace conference planned for later this month in Annapolis. The $435 million in additional aid, on top of $77 million requested earlier this year, has attracted little notice in the president's $45.9 billion supplemental request last week to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. But, if approved, it would constitute the administration's largest amount of direct aid to the Palestinian Authority. Previously, the administration had limited cash transfers to $50 million at a time.

mercoledì 31 ottobre 2007

Sourani Meets H.E. Benita Ferrero-Waldner the European Commissioner for External Relations

It is noted that this is the first time in 7 years that Israeli forces allow Sourani to leave Gaza through Erez. The permission came after European intervention. Nonetheless, Sourani was forced to wait for several hours at the crossing before passing through. He was allowed to pass under the precondition that he travel in an official European vehicle in company of Roy Dickinson, and to return in the same manner. Due to the delay at the crossing Sourani missed the initial appointment with Ferrero-Waldner. However, she delayed her departure in order to meet him; and he thanked her for that.

Israeli Bombardment of Police Station in Khan Yunis Kills Four Policemen on Guard Duty

Palestinian Center For Human Rights. In the evening of 30 October 2007, Israeli war planes fired rockets at a police station in the southern Gaza Strip and killed 4 Policemen in the police force of the dismissed government in Gaza. Israeli military sources commented on this crime saying that “the air strike that is relatively rare recently is an indication that Israel will not continue to exhibit restraint towards the firing of mortars at Israeli population centers.” PCHR expresses concern over the Israeli escalation in the Gaza Strip, and calls upon the international community to intervene to stop these crimes. This week only, the Centre has documented the death of 15 Palestinians in the Strip as a result of Israel aerial and land bombardment that disregards the civilian nature of targeted areas.

The Center’s preliminary investigation indicates that at approximately 21:40 on 30 October 2007, Israeli war planes fired 2 rockets at a police station in the town of New Abasan to the east of Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip. The rockets hit the entrance of the station, where the 4 policemen were on guard duty. They were killed instantly, and their bodies were dismembered. The victims are:

- Maher Shehda Abu Teir (25).

- Bilal Ibrahim Awwad (22).

- Ismail Suliman Qudeih (23).

- Mahmoud Jamal Radwan (21).

PCHR expresses great concern over the continued escalation of the Israeli occupation forces (IOF), and:

  1. Renews condemnation of these actions that are part of a continuous series of Israeli war crimes in the OPT. These war crimes clearly show Israel’s total disregard for the lives of the civilian population. These actions are forms of reprisal and collective punishment that violate Article 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention (1949).
  2. Calls upon the international community to act immediately to stop these war crimes; and calls upon the High Contracting Parties of the Fourth Geneva Convention to fulfill their responsibility to ensure that the Convention is respected by all parties, their responsibility to pursue suspected perpetrators of serious violations of the Convention under article 146, noting that these serious violations are considered war crimes under Article 147 of the Convention and in the First Optional Protocol Additional to the Convention.

Public Document


For more information please call PCHR office in Gaza, Gaza Strip, on +972 8 2824776 - 2825893

PCHR, 29 Omer El Mukhtar St., El Remal, PO Box 1328 Gaza, Gaza Strip. E-mail:, Webpage

Israeli military detain sick Palestinian woman at checkpoint in Hebron

Christian Peacemaker Teams. For two hours on Tuesday 30 October, the Israeli military prevented a sick Palestinian woman from reaching her home in the Tel Rumeida area of Hebron. She was returning from a hospital in Jerusalem in a Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) ambulance, escorted by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

Tel Rumeida is located in the Israeli controlled H2 area of Hebron1, and is the site of one of the four illegal Israeli settlement enclaves in the city. Palestinian vehicles need special permission to enter H2. ICRC often co-ordinates with the Israeli authorities for travel for ambulances into the area.

The Israeli military stopped the ambulance at the Beit Romano checkpoint at 1:00 pm. For an hour the ambulance crew unsuccessfully attempted to negotiate passage through the checkpoint. After this time they had to take their patient, who was recovering from multiple operations, to a nearby hospital, as she was in need of urgent medical care because of the delay.

Negotiations continued with the Israeli military and the ambulance returned to the checkpoint at 2:45 pm. After waiting for a further 20 minutes the ambulance and the ICRC vehicle were allowed through. The Israeli Border Police then escorted the medical vehicles to the woman's home.

1In 1997 the city of Hebron was divided into two areas: H1 which is under Palestinian control and H2 which is under Israeli military control.

For photos go to:

Christian Peacemaker Teams is an ecumenical initiative to support violence reduction efforts around the world. To learn more about CPT's peacemaking work, visit our website Photos of our projects are at A map of the center of Hebron is at$File/ocha_OTS_hebron_oPt010805.pdf?OpenElement The same map is the last page of this report on closures in Hebron:

La resistenza di un popolo: nonviolenza prima e dopo Bil’in

Nandino Capovilla, referente nazionale per Pax Christi della Campagna Ponti e non muri, 30.10.07. Non c’e’ tempo di fermarci nella casa di Padre Aziz a Ein-Arik perche’ subito ci accompagna alla grande cittadella universitaria, e lungo la strada ci racconta dei suoi due fratelli, detenuti piu’ volte nelle carceri israeliane. Al nostro stupore egli replica che in ogni famiglia palestinese c’e’ qualcuno che e’ stato in prigione, buona parte dei quali arrestati senza prove ne’ processo (nelle carceri israeliane sono a tutt’oggi detenuti 11000 prigionieri palestinesi). Arriviamo al padiglione della facolta’ di Scienze della Comunicazione, e qui ci mostrano le attrezzature tecnologicamente avanzate per le trasmissioni radio. L’universita’ di Bir Zeit conta piu’ di ottomila iscritti e la cosa ci appare subito evidente dall’alto numero di studenti che affollano le stradine che collegano le diverse facolta’. E’ stupefacente constatare un cosi’ alto livello di scolarizzazione, dal momento che le tasse universitarie sono paragonabili alle nostre, e interamente a carico della famiglia: un popolo giovane che con questa forma di resistenza punta caparbiamente ad un alto livello di preparazione culturale e tecnica per riscattarsi da un’oppressione decennale.

Questi stessi giovani, che per arrivare qui ogni mattina sono costretti ad affrontare le umiliazioni delle lunghe attese e delle modalita’ di controllo del tutto arbitrarie ai check point , gestiscono e animano i centri giovanili all’interno dei campi profughi e si impegnano nelle varie associazioni di volontariato che troviamo in tante citta e villaggi.

Davvero forte e’ l’impegno per l’educazione alla pace nella societa’ palestinese. Nassar, che incontriamo al centro di Ta’awon a Ramallah, ci illustra programmi e progetti volti a diffondere la cultura della nonviolenza. Anche noi, come tanti altri, palestinesi, israeliani e internazionali, sentiamo profondamente nostra la scelta nonviolenta; ecco perche’ eravamo tutti a Bil’in.

Siamo convinti che nonostante tutto, questa sia l’unica strada percorribile contro una logica di arroganza e violenza che quel venerdi 26 ottobre ci ha colpiti direttamente nella sua forma piu brutale.

Il piccolo Ramzi, che tirava pietre contro i carri armati durante la prima Intifada, lo incontriamo oggi al centro Al Kamandjati di Ramallah, scuola di musica che ha fondato per i bambini e i giovani dei campi profughi.

La resistenza di un popolo oppresso può esprimersi anche attraverso la musica, che diventa anch’essa una scelta di nonviolenza.

Ma questa resistenza nonviolenta e’ vissuta soprattutto nella vita quotidiana di tutti...

Ad Hebron, dove vivono 200.000 palestinesi, oppressi da 400 coloni che hanno occupato le loro case proprio nel cuore della citta’ con circa 2.000 soldati a loro protezione, anche solo tenere aperta la saracinesca di un bar e’ una forma di resistenza e di lotta nonviolenta.

E noi che qui abbiamo avuto l’opportunita’ di vederla vi invitiamo a condividere con noi questa riflessione:

- cosa faremmo noi se ogni mattina per poter raggiungere il posto di lavoro o accompagnare i nostri figli a scuola fossimo costretti a rimanere per lungo tempo in fila senza sapere quando potremo passare?

- come ci sentiremmo se avendo un appuntamento importante, il soldato che ci ha chiesto i documenti li trattenesse arbitrariamente mentre con tutta tranquillita’ parla al telefono o beve il caffe’ o fa qualunque altra cosa, facendoci sentire che cio’ che per noi e’ importante non conta piu nulla?

- cosa faremmo se ad un check point vedessimo un anziano costretto a rimanere in piedi per ore sotto il sole senza che nessuno si preoccupi di lui; o un’ambulanza che trasporta feriti o malati bloccata e sottoposta ai controlli che prevedono anche che gli stessi siano fatti uscire dal mezzo, facendo perdere tempo prezioso e mettendo a rischio la loro vita?

- cosa faremmo se il check point fosse solo uno dei tanti soprusi che siamo costretti a subire quotidianamente, rendendo la nostra vita impossibile?...

Gerusalemme, 30 ottobre 2007

martedì 30 ottobre 2007

25-10-07, nonviolent protestors are blocking highway 443‏

Le procureur de l'Etat gèle la décision de couper l'approvisionnement de Gaza

Jerusalem Post. 29.10.07. Menahem Mazuz, procureur général de l'Etat, a décidé que le plan actuel quiconsiste à couper l'approvisionnement en eau et en autres services vitaux à la bande de Gaza ne devait pas être appliqué tant qu'un mécanisme qui empêche une « punition collective » des Palestiniens ne serait pas trouvé. La bande de Gaza dépend d'Israël pour la totalité de son fioul et pour la moitié de son électricité [About 120 megawatts out of the 200 megawatts of electricity used annually in Gaza are bought from and supplied by Israel directly. A further 17 megawatts are supplied by Egypt, while 65 megawatts is produced by a power station in Gaza.BBC].
Cette décision a été prise ce lundi lors d'une réunion avec des représentants du ministère de la défense.

Cette réunion a eu lieu en réaction à une action en justice auprès de la Haute cour de justice, à l'initiative de plusieurs organisations pour les droits de l¹homme. Cette action a été rejetée, mais la Cour a donné 5 jours à l'Etat pour réagir (Ha'aretz, même date).

D'après une information diffusée par la chaîne de télévision 10, Mazuz a insisté pour que l'armée conçoive d'abord un système qui garantisse qu'aucune crise humanitaire ne se produise. L'une des suggestions envisagées consisterait à avertir les hôpitaux de Gaza d'une action à venir, afin de leur donner le temps de mettre en marche leurs générateurs.

Dimanche, Israël avait commencé à baisser ses livraisons de fioul à la bande de Gaza, dans le cadre des sanctions approuvées la semaine dernière par le ministre de la défense Ehoud Barak, suite à l'escalade récente de tirs de roquettes.

Traduction: Gérard pour La Paix Maintenant

lunedì 29 ottobre 2007

Update on Continued Closure of Gaza Crossings

UN Humanitarian Monitor Occupied Palestinian Territory- September 2007
Access and Crossings
Rafah and Karni crossings remain closed after more than threemonths. The movement of goods via Gaza border crossings significantly declined in September compared to previous months. The average of 106 truckloads per day that was recorded between 19 June and 13 September has dropped to approximately 50 truckloads per day since mid-September. Sufa crossing (usually opened 5 days a week) was closed for 16 days in September, including 8 days for Israeli holidays, while Kerem Shalom was open only 14 days throughout the month. The Israeli Civil Liaison Administration reported that the reduction of working hours was due to the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, Jewish holidays and more importantly attacks on the crossings by Palestinian militants from inside Gaza.
Impact of Closure
As a result of the increased restrictions on Gaza border crossings, an increasing number of food items – including fruits, fresh meat and fish, frozen meat, frozen vegetables, chicken, powdered milk, dairy products, beverages and cooking oil – are experiencing shortages on the local market. The World Food Programme (WFP) has also reported significant increases in the costs of these items, due to increases in prices on the global market as well as due to restrictions on goods going into Gaza. In September, the price of one kg of fresh meat increased by 25%, while the price of chicken experienced a 50% increase.

IOF Kills Three Palestinian and Start Fuel Cuts in Gaza

The Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) launched its eighth incursion into the Gaza Strip in eight days today, Monday 29 October 2007. IOF penetrated the towns of Beit Hanoun and Rafah and killed three Palestinians; of whom one is disabled. Nine others were injured and one school bombarded. This military escalation coincides with IOF's commencement of reducing fuel supplies to the Strip.

According to field investigations by Al Mezan, at approximately 5.30am on 29 October 2007, eight Israeli armored vehicles penetrated Ashobaki area north Beit Hanoun town and took positions under helicopters cover. They opened arbitrary fire as a special force sneaked into the Agricultural College of Al Azhar University in the north of the town. The force took positions inside the College and opened fire killing a 44-year-old disabled man; Farid Ibrhim Abu Udeh. The victim was killed from a live bullet to the head while he was inside his home, which is located near the nearby Agricultural Secondary School. A 15-yar-old schoolboy, Ahmed Atta Az-Za'anin, was also shot in the chest near his school north of the town. Medical sources reported his injuries as critical.

At approximately 8.45am the IOF opened machinegun FIRE at a nearby residential area injuring 44-year-old Adnan Mahmoud Yousif, who was near his house in An-Nada neighborhood, northwest Beit Hanoun. At approximately 9.20am an Israeli helicopter gunship fired a missile that landed in the western entrance of Beit Hanoun Girls Preparatory School, which is located in Al Qaraman Street. 28-year-old Muhammad Yousif Hamad was killed and five others injured, of whom three critically, in this raid. Israeli tanks fired two artillery shells that landed in an open area near the Agricultural College; however no injuries were reported. Additionally, IOF wounded a child and a woman just before they withdrew at approximately 11am. Dozens of civilian houses, the Agricultural College, the Agricultural Secondary School, and Beit Hanoun Girls Preparatory School sustained damages in this incursion. It was reported that UNRWA's five schools and clinic in the town evacuated during the incursion.

In the same context, at approximately 1.30am on 29 October 2007, eight Israeli armored vehicles entered as deep as 1.5 kilometers into the Karem Abu Mu'aammar area east of the southern Gaza town of Rafah. The IOF opened heavy fire killing 22-year-old Ahmad Ibrahim Abu Tahoun. According to medical sources, IOF restricted the ambulances' access to the area. An ambulance managed to access to Abu Tahoun's body and collect it at approximately 6.30am, only after the IOF withdrew from the area.

According to Al Mezan's fieldworker, at approximately 1am on Sunday 28 October 2007, ten Israeli armored vehicles entered 500 meters deep west the borderline in Wadi As-Salqa village in the east of middle-Gaza town of Deir Al Balah. IOF broke into a three-story house owned by 53-year-old Hussein Ibrahim Abu Mghissib and used it as a military post. At approximately 8.30am the IOF opened fire injuring 22-year-old Ahmad Awad Al Amour with shrapnel to his chest, and 45-year-old Thurayya Muhammad Abu Mghissib with live bullets to her leg and her left arm. IOF withdrew from this area at approximately 5pm on the same day.

In addition, IOF commenced the implementation of the decision reducing fuel supplies to Gaza Strip. Al Mezan's fieldworkers reported the quantities of fuel allowed to flow into Gaza on 28 October 2007 as follows:

- 258,000 liters of fuel used for the operation of the power plant;

- 213,000 liters of diesel;

- 90,000 liters of benzene (for two days);

- 240,000 tons of cooking gas.

This represents a 50% cut in cooking gas and about 30%, cut in fuel compared with the quantities allowed into Gaza before. The same applies to the fuel used for the operation of the power plant. Al Mezan fieldworker reported that gas supply was allowed to flow in today. It is expected that Gaza will experience longer electricity cuts and more shortage in the diesel, which is necessary to operate small electric generators to compensate electricity shortage.

Al Mezan Center for Human Rights reiterates its condemnation of the Israeli military escalation against civilians in Gaza. It also asserts that the reduction of fuel supplies represents a flagrant violation of the rules of the International Humanitarian Law, particularly the Fourth Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, that will infringe upon the population's life quickly. Therefore, Al Mezan calls on that the international community, particularly the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention, to uphold its moral and legal responsibilities and intervene to immediately stop the Israeli grave breaches of the Convention and provide protection for civilians. Under rapidly increasing punitive measures Gaza faces the threat of imminent worsening of the humanitarian crisis it lives. Therefore, these measures must not be allowed to materialize.

Human Rights Organizations Petition the Supreme Court Demanding an Injunction against Disrupting the Supply of Electricity and Fuel to the Gaza Strip

Adalah – The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel * Gisha - Legal Center for Freedom of Movement * HaMoked: Center for the Defence of the Individual * Physicians for Human Rights-Israel * The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights * The Public Committee Against Torture in Israel * Gaza Community Mental Health Programme * B’Tselem – The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories * Al –Haq * Mezan Center for Human Rights

The Government Openly Decides, Apparently for the First Time, to Impose Collective Punishment on 1.5 million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip; Petitioners: The Decision is Illegal and will Damage the Health, Safety and Welfare of the Population of Gaza.