lunedì 29 ottobre 2007

The High Court of Justice reprimanded the State because it did not uphold its commitment to improve the shameful treatment of detainees at the “Shomro

DCI/PS, 22.10.07. The High Court of Justice today issued an interim decision ordering the State to immediately notify the detainees at the “Shomron” (Huwara) detention facility concerning a new regulation allowing them free access to toilet facilities at all hours of the day. The “Shomron” detention facility, which is administered by the Israeli army, houses detainees from the West Bank who are held in detention cells that have no toilet facilities, sinks or running water. Outside the cells, in the yard, there are only three toilets available to the approximately 60 detainees being held in the facility. The detainees are allowed to leave their cells only three times a day, at regular times. At night and at other times during the day, they are not allowed to leave the cells in order to use the toilets. Therefore, during these times, the detainees are forced to use plastic bottles for their personal needs. These are distributed by the soldiers who guard the detention facility. When the plastic bottles are full, the detainees are forced to control their natural needs until the next time they leave the cells and can empty out the bottles.

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