lunedì 29 ottobre 2007

«Israele non ha nessun prezzo da pagare»

Deborah Fait. "Israele non ha nessun prezzo da pagare.
Gli arabi devono pagare per la loro violenza, per aver impedito agli ebrei di vivere in pace nel loro paese, per le guerre e per tutta la nostra gioventu' che hanno violentato e ucciso.

Nurit Peled-Elhanan: «Les Israéliens n'ont pas conscience d'être des racistes»
Professeur à l'Université de Jérusalem, Nurit Peled-Elhanan
, qui a perdu une enfant dans un attentat-suicide, a reçu le Prix Sakharov en 2001 en tant que représentante de "tous les Israéliens qui prônent une solution négociée du conflit et revendiquent clairement le droit à l'existence des deux peuples et des deux États avec des droits égaux". Lauréat à Genève du Prix Paul K. Feyerabend 2007 pour «Un monde solidaire est possible.»

Dovrebbero chiedere scusa per il male fatto, per i morti, per le guerre, per non voler accettare la presenza degli ebrei nel loro legittimo stato.
Gli arabi dovrebbero abbassare la testa, vincere odio, violenza e superbia e chiedere perdono per averci reso la vita impossibile, per aver portato a morire 23.000

Fatalities B'Tselem Statistics
Occupied Territories
Palestinians killed by Israeli security forces
4204 63
Palestinians killed by Israeli civilians
Israeli civilians killed by Palestinians
233 471
Israeli security force personnel killed by Palestinians
234 87
Foreign citizens killed by Palestinians
17 36
Foreign citizens killed by Israeli security forces
Palestinians killed by Palestinians
Additional data (included in previous table)
Occupied Territories
Palestinian minors killed by Israeli security forces
858 3
Israeli minors killed by Palestinians
39 80
Palestinians killed during the course of a targeted killing

Palestinians who were the object of a targeted killing
Palestinians killed by Palestinians for suspected collaboration with Israel
Palestinians who took part in the hostilities and were killed by Israeli security forces
1359 55
Palestinians who did not take part in the hostilities and were killed by Israeli security forces ( not including the objects of targeted killings).
2023 5
Palestinians who were killed by Israeli security forces and it is not known if they were taking part in the hostilities
603 3

giovani israeliani che avrebbero voluto dare solo carezze e amore.

Israele e' qui a testa alta, non ha niente da restituire e nessun prezzo da pagare ma solo il diritto di esistere in santa pace e tanto rispetto
da ricevere!"

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