lunedì 5 novembre 2007

Tzipi Livni and Olmert Peace

Uri Avnery, Gush Shalom, 3.11.07. LAST WEEK, the Dutch government approached the Israeli Foreign Office with a request to enable Palestinian flower-growers in the Gaza Strip to export their wares to the land of the tulips. Tzipi Livni, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, was unable to fulfill this modest request. The army forbade it. I COULD NOT help smiling when I read about Tzipi Livni's decision to set up a peace staff. The state was born in war. Its heroes were the army commanders. The evaluations of Army Intelligence and the reports of the Mossad trump all the papers of the Foreign Office. If Olmert wants to achieve a historic breakthrough, he will make sure he himself gets full credit for the achievement. If he turns it over to his rival, that means it has no chance at all. The Israeli Foreign Minister speechifies, declares and announces, but it is not clear where she would be leading our foreign policy, if she were indeed allowed to lead it. After two years on the job, her political image is pale and blurred.

One time she tries to outflank Olmert on the left, another time on the right. One day she speaks about the necessity to deal with the "core issues", another day she says that the time is not ripe for a final settlement. She supported the recent Lebanon war, but now she criticizes it severely. After the publication of the Winograd commission's interim report, she called for Olmert's resignation, intending to replace him herself, but when that little putsch-attempt collapsed, she remained in his government and continues to bear responsibility for his actions and omissions.

Livni detests Olmert, and Olmert detests Livni. True, both come "from the same village" - Ehud's father and Tzipi's father were both senior members of the Irgun. Both were raised in the same right-wing political atmosphere, both drank from the same fountain. When Livni's mother died a few weeks ago, they stood next to each other at the funeral and sang the Betar anthem: "Silence is garbage / Sacrifice blood and soul / For the hidden glory…" (Betar, which still exists, was the right-wing youth movement that gave birth to the Irgun*.)

* Irgun Commander 1943-1948. Menachem Begin

Letter warning of Zionist Fascism in Israel that Einstein, Hanna Arendt and many others sent to the New York Times 1948, protesting the visit of Menachem Begin

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