mercoledì 26 settembre 2007

Hooray, the youth of Gaza !

Heba, Contemplating from Gaza, 25/09/07. It’s Ramadan and it’s the month of spirituality and peace, so though belated; happy Ramdan to all. I have been busy at work visiting different groups and hearing more stories, feeling disappointed and worn out at times and laughing full- heartedly at other times. What amazes me and makes me bow in respect about Gaza people is that they never give up. They never stop complaining yet they strive to live. It’s Ramdan and you see them shopping with limited budgets or just roaming the streets before Iftar (the main meal at sunset). I get on a taxi or go to a shop and just hear people saying; what can we do when they cut electricity or there is no yogurt in the market. They say it with a spirit of “I will survive no matter what “. This is worthy of admiration.

I went to a workshop of a group of youth (males and females) who are our target group for a project on civic education. The project was designed before the Gaza events and the drastic changes that took place. So a major component of it was attending the legislative council (PLC) meetings to make sure that youth needs are addressed and of course the PLC is no longer working because most of the Fatteh members would not attend conducted sessions. We discussed alternatives for this project component. Whilst my mind was blank looking at them in grave silence, they actively -red-faced, strong toned, and mostly optimistic- started suggesting things; meeting parliament groups, watching previous televised PLC sessions, lobbying the current government, assessing youth needs and they went on and one. Each suggestion astonished me. It seems active thinking in itself astonished me. I was really impressed that I can meet young people who are that enthusiastic and yearning to make a difference. Then here came my little speech and as always, I find discomfort in this role of “knowing better, giving promises, or showing any type of superiority at all.” This time, however, I chose the be very sincere. I said to them” I am proud of you. I think a long time has passed since I felt like you or thought like you. Am not that old though -they laughed. I think your beautiful age and the beautiful mind that comes with it is a blessing in Gaza. The idea that you think of alternatives and think that you can implement what you plan is in itself impressive. I am ashamed to stand here and see that all of what you previously thought about was altered because your PLC does not work anymore. Yet, the fact that you say it is a setback- lets move on within such a stagnant totally paralyzed political and economic context is for me inspiring “. Hooray, the youth of Gaza. With you, there will be always hope.

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